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My story


Hi! I'm Sally Sauvignon - founder of A Healthier Life, certified Integrative Health Practitioner, wife, and mom of 2! I understand just how important health is to be able to keep up with it all and believe this life is meant to be enjoyed!

I struggled with undiagnosed pain for multiple years with no explanation or answers provided by western medicine. The Integrative Health Practitioner program gave me the tools to pinpoint the root causes to my low energy, mood, skin, weight, and digestive health issues. I eventually found toxic mold in my home after years of toxic exposure and compromise to my health and my children's. While I worked to remediate the toxins from mold in our home,  I also restored balance in my health thanks to the DESTRESS™️ protocol.  My energy came back, I felt calm, and capable to handle the ins and outs of motherhood with much greater ease, I stopped getting sinus infections and I got my life back. Now, I'm ready to help you do the same.

For the past 6 years I’ve worked as a clean living educator and over that time worked with hundreds of clients to reduce exposures to toxins in their home and beauty routine. Prior to that I worked for 10 years in the employee benefit industry supporting corporate wellness initiatives, health trends, and maternity programs. 

I am certified through Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, LLC with Dr. Stephen Cabral, BCN,  a board certified Naturopath, Ayurvedic, Functional Medicine and Integrative Health Practitioner. The certification is recognized by leading Holistic Health Wellness Institutions.

As an Integrated Health Practitioner, my philosophy is one of balance and incorporates the best of functional medicine with Ayuverdic medicine. In bringing together western and eastern health, I support my clients in living a healthier life with a bio individualized diet, stress management,  movement plans, toxin reduction, awareness of toxic emotions and support to build a healthy mindset. 















Using my diverse background of education, studies, and experience, I am able to draw upon many disciplines to create far more than a “one-size fits all” approach.

Each of my private clients gets a personalized program developed just for them and their unique needs. I’ve found that helping people discover their underlying root cause imbalance and developing a customized protocol is like handing over a permission slip to my clients to ensure to come first and start a healthier life that they’ve been searching for.

To discover how to get a customized plan created just for you simply click the link below to schedule your no-obligations, free-consultation.

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