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When to work with an Integrative Health Practitioner?

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

Woman who has headache

Is it just a sign of aging or is there something else going on? As we start to feel lower energy, mood changes, and hormonal fluctuations, this becomes the question. But what if I told you aging doesn't have to mean you are constantly feeling out of balance?

I was beginning to wonder if aging was to blame for my feeling of brain fog, trouble placing words, low energy in the morning, a crash of energy at 3pm, changes to my menstruation cycle, and digestive imbalances. My clients often come to me with the same question. It was a long journey, but after 2 years of no progress, lots of traditional western scans and blood work turning up "normal", I worked with a health professional who helped me uncover mold toxicity, bacterial overgrowth, and hormonal imbalance at the root cause of how terrible I had been feeling. Relieved that it was not just aging, I began doing the work to remove the toxins that were at the root of it all while replenishing the nutrients I was deficient in. My energy came back, my drive returned, and no longer felt the constant lingering of imbalance.

Given the world we live in today, it's no surprise so many women are feeling this way. With deficiencies of certain vitamins or minerals, we don't have the raw materials needed to slow inflammation and repair as it once used to. Add in stress and the environmental toxins we are exposed to daily and it's a battle we're outnumbered in that can cause poor health, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, and accelerated aging.

Stressed woman sitting by window

As women, we are constantly putting others first and care taking for others women are engulfed in ongoing stress. The competing roles of motherhood, running the house, and trying to squeeze in self care is often a battle where we come last. Stress depletes the body of essential nutrients including magnesium and electrolytes, which ironically are key for managing stress. Stress takes a toll on her immune system, can cause hormonal imbalances, weaken the digestive system and cause blood sugar fluctuation over time.

Then, we look into our environment where there are over 88,000 chemicals. Our food contains less nutrients as a result of the decline of soil quality, carbon in our atmosphere, cheap fertilizers, food picked before it's ripe, and many of us have a weakened digestive system. And women apply an average of 168 chemicals to their body a day with personal care products. There is an average of 62 cancer causing chemicals in everyone's home and indoor air is 3-70 times more polluted than outdoor air according to an EPA survey.

As the exposures and stressors accumulate over time, it becomes more than our bodies were created to handle at one time. This stress begins to have a material impact on how the body functions and leads to a depletion of nutrients. Without proper nutrients, energy, mood, digestion, focus, and hormones are impacted.

Deficiencies and toxins are the 2 causes for dis-ease in the body. But the good news is once your unique underlying root cause imbalances are uncovered, you unlock the key to what your body needs for a healthier life. And once you rid your body of toxins it has been storing, you eliminate the burden that was once holding you back. As an Integrated Health Practitioner, I can help you get to the root cause of these deficiencies and toxins so that you can replenish nutrients, eliminate toxins, and re-establish balance.

Sally's Heal Her program provides one on one coaching to support women experiencing disruptive symptoms rooted in:

  • Digestive imbalances

  • Hormone imbalances

  • High stress levels

  • Vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies

  • Omega-3 inflammatory levels

  • Heavy metal toxicities

  • Food sensitivities

  • And much more

When working together, an initial recommendation will be made which may include a simple to use at home health test and/or a functional medicine detox. In between monthly appointments, she will share coaching via email, provide an online wellness app with food, sleep, and lifestyle journals for clients to track and observe patterns and progress and a chat function with responses for coaching clients within 12 hrs. Around week 4-6 a personalized wellness plan is provided including direction for whole food diet, supplements, movement, and stress reduction tools. At week 8 and 12 she meets with her client to check in and identify progress or any remaining imbalances.

Over this 16 week time, you will receive clear direction and accountability. You will get to know yourself in new ways and become empowered to regain energy, vitality, and balance for yourself. As women, we often take the role of caring for others, but when we resume feeling ourselves, we hold the power to make a lasting impact for our families and community! It's her turn to heal.

For more information, set up your 20 minute FREE consultation call below.

Written by Sally K. Sauvignon, IHP

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